Стихи и поэзия


The traveller; The deserted village and other poems

Le troubadour. Pt. 1

The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 19

Poetae latini minores. T. 5


Popular ballads and songs. Vol. 1


The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 15

The poetical works. Vol. 11

The poetical works. Vol. 13

The poetical works. Vol. 3

The poetical works. Vol. 4

Rump: or an exact collection of the choycest poems and songs

Some ancient Christmas carols

The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 2

The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 1

The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 3

The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 4

The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 5

The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 13

Les poetes francois, depuis le XII-e siecle jusqu'a Malherbe. T. 1

Les poetes francois, depuis le XII-e siecle jusqu'a Malherbe. T. 3

The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 10

The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 20

A collection of old ballads. Vol. 1

A collection of old ballads. Vol. 2

A collection of old ballads. Vol. 3

The poetical works. Vol. 1

Specimens of the Russian poets

The poetical works. Vol. 1

Les poetes francois, depuis le XII-e siecle jusqu'a Malherbe. T. 2

Poetae latini minores. T. 6

The art of poetry. Vol. 2

Corona poetica in lode della serenissima republica di Venezia

Choix de poesie. T. 1

The poetical works. Vol. 2

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