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Oeuvres morales de Plutarque. T. 5
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Oeuvres morales de Plutarque. T. 2
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Vie de Catherine II, Imperatrice de Russie. T. 1
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Oeuvres. T. 1
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История первых четырех ханов из дома Чингисова
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Composition mathematique de Claude Ptolemee. T. 2
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Novels and tales. Vol. 3
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Sketches of Russia
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Novels and tales. Vol. 2
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Choix de rapports, opinions et discours. T. 20
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Памятники российской словесности XII века
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A treatise of human nature. Book 3
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Caii Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolatum
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Corona poetica in lode della serenissima republica di Venezia