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Account of Lord Bacon's Novum Organon Scientiarum
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M. Acci Plauti comoediae
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Fetes et courtisanes de la Grece. T. 3
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Discours sur les miracles de Jesus-Christ. T. 2
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Opere istoriche e politiche. T. 4
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Journal historique du voyage de l'ambassadeur de Perse en France
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M?langes. T. 5
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Oeuvres complettes. T. 10. T. 3
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Rump: or an exact collection of the choycest poems and songs
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Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin. Vol. 3
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Histoire complete du proces, instruit devant la cour d'assises de l'Aveyron, relatif a l'assassinat du S-r Fualdes
![Some ancient Christmas carols - Группа авторов](./img/books-1/406942.jpg)
Some ancient Christmas carols
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The intellectual repository, for the New Church. Vol. 3
![The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 2 - Группа авторов](./img/books-1/407042.jpg)
The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 2
![The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 1 - Группа авторов](./img/books-1/407062.jpg)
The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 1
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The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 3
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The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 4
![The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 5 - Группа авторов](./img/books-1/407112.jpg)
The select works of the minor British poets. Vol. 5
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The subaltern
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The statutes and rules
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Nuovo projetto d'una reforma d'Italia. T. 3
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Le gastronome francais, ou l'art de bien vivre
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Code de la conscription
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History of the campaigns of count Alexander Suworow-Rymnikski
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Biblioth?que raisonn?e des ouvrages des savans de l'Europe. T. 2
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Biblioth?que Fran?oise. T. 5. Pt. 1
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Chromatics, or an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours
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A concordance to Shakespeare
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Sur le projet annonce
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The reproof of Brutus
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Veritable origine des biens ecclesiastiques
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The comic theatre. Vol. 1
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The comic theatre. Vol. 2
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The comic theatre. Vol. 3
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Oeuvres morales de Plutarque. T. 3
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Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque. T. 2
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Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque. T. 3
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Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque. T. 4
![Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque. T. 5 - Группа авторов](./img/books-1/408182.jpg)
Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque. T. 5
![The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 13 - Группа авторов](./img/books-1/408192.jpg)
The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper. Vol. 13