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The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 1
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Novels and romances. Vol. 5
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Les oeuvres d'Hesiode
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Explication des principales propheties de Jeremie, d'Ezechiel, et de Daniel. T. 4
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Об отношениях российских князей к монгольским и татарским ханам от 1224 по 1480 год
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Fundgruben fur Geschichte deutsche Sprache und Litteratur. T. 1
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Histoire anecdotique et raisonnee du theatre Italien. T. 2
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Histoire anecdotique et raisonnee du theatre Italien. T. 5
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Histoire anecdotique et raisonnee du theatre Italien. T. 6
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Lettres Champenoises. T. 2. (No. 10)
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Lettres Champenoises. T. 3. (No. 19)
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Lettres Champenoises. T. 5. (No. 37)
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Lettres Champenoises. T. 9. (No. 73)
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