Общая биология

Cancer Risk Evaluation

Women in the Geosciences

Applications of Flow Cytometry in Stem Cell Research and Tissue Regeneration


Central European Stream Ecosystems

NMR of Biomolecules

Conservation Biology

Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 3

Evolution of Virulence in Eukaryotic Microbes

Scale-Sensitive Governance of the Environment

Perinatal Stem Cells

Estuarine Ecology

Vaccines and Autoimmunity

Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 2

Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress

Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture


Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Aggregates


Management of Marine Protected Areas


Translational Medicine

Moonlighting Proteins

Pathology for Toxicologists

An Introduction to Pain and its relation to Nervous System Disorders


Human Reproduction

Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections

Bioprocessing for Cell-Based Therapies

Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress

The Neuroscience of Visual Hallucinations

Ex-vivo and In-vivo Optical Molecular Pathology

Matrix Proteases in Health and Disease

The Biology and Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Cells

Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria

Proteins in Solution and at Interfaces

The Human Microbiota and Chronic Disease

Bats and Viruses

Molecular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis