Химия полимеров

Protein Kinases as Drug Targets

Polymer Composites, Macro- and Microcomposites

Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry

Nanomaterials in Catalysis


Microreactors in Preparative Chemistry



Green Chemistry for Dyes Removal from Waste Water

Computer Modeling for Injection Molding

Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems

Fundamentals of Conjugated Polymer Blends, Copolymers and Composites

Green Biocatalysis

Science and Technology of Separation Membranes

Stem Cells in Toxicology and Medicine

Heterogeneous Catalysts for Clean Technology

Handbook of Industrial Polyethylene and Technology

Modern Drying Technology, Volume 5

Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries

Biodegradable Polyesters

Gasification Processes

Sustainable Polymers from Biomass

Bio-Based Plastics

Functional and Physical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites

Catalytic Process Development for Renewable Materials

Membrane Materials for Gas and Separation

Polymer and Biopolymer Brushes

Handbook of Polymers for Pharmaceutical Technologies, Processing and Applications

Handbook of Polymers for Pharmaceutical Technologies, Bioactive and Compatible Synthetic / Hybrid Polymers

Nanostructured Polymer Membranes, Volume 1

Molecular Immunotoxicology

Nanocellulose and Nanohydrogel Matrices

Dyes and Chromophores in Polymer Science

Handbook of Polymers for Pharmaceutical Technologies, Biodegradable Polymers

Nanostructured Polymer Membranes, Volume 2

Synthetic Natural Gas

Flavonoid Pharmacokinetics

Functional Polymers in Food Science

Functional Polymers in Food Science

Preparative Chromatography