Книга My Favourite Poems in English

- Жанр: Стихи и поэзия
- Год издания: 2021
- ISBN: 9780369405043
- Издательство: Aegitas
- Возраст: 16+
The book of selected poems by Konstantin Dmitrievich Voskresensky, author of five books «„In Your Name“», «„ Tale. About the vaccine from the pocket-the adventures of Roman“», «„In jest seriously“», «„The Adventures of the boy Kesha“», «„The Dreamer“». A collection of the best works of the poet, creatively revised and passed through a picky critical sieve. For a wide audience. © 2021 Aegitas publishing house Executive chief editor: Leah Foden Interpretation by: Lord Muck, Konstantin Voskresenskiy, Elizaveta Suboch, Leah Foden, Peter Svetlichniy English editor (Russian native speaker): Peter Svetlichniy English editor (U.K. native speaker): Leah Foden Reader: Carl Munson Basic for the cover's illustration: Elena Vasil'eva Drawing and design of the cover: Eva Polyanskaya
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