Группа авторов

Soft Fibrillar Materials

Plate Boundaries and Natural Hazards

Nanomaterials, Polymers and Devices

The Handbook of Language Emergence

Wonder Woman and Philosophy

Lubricants and Lubrication

Targeted Biomarker Quantitation by LC-MS

Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics

Successful Drug Discovery, Volume 2

Biomechanics of Hard Tissues

Critical Incidents in Integrating Spirituality into Counseling

Lignocellulosic Biomass Production and Industrial Applications

Metal Nanopowders

Handbook of Software Solutions for ICME

Sexual Offending

Anthropology in Theory

Global Food Legislation

Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals

Green Roof Retrofit

A New Companion to Renaissance Drama

Global Cheesemaking Technology

Textile Finishing


Arithmetic Circuits for DSP Applications

Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates

ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management

Research Methods for Postgraduates

Visual Inspection Technology in the Hard Disk Drive Industry

Anesthesia Complications in the Dental Office


Crustal Permeability

Graphene Technology

Journal of Prosthodontics on Dental Implants

Annual Plant Reviews, The Gibberellins

Neuropsychology for Occupational Therapists

Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials

Polyethylene-Based Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites

Green Carbon Dioxide

Graphene Oxide

Medical Coatings and Deposition Technologies