Группа авторов

Applied Bioengineering

International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 2 Volume Set

Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture

Thermoelectric Bi2Te3 Nanomaterials

Introduction to Global Health Promotion

Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals

Fish Reproductive Biology

Handbook of RNA Biochemistry

Swelling Concrete in Dams and Hydraulic Structures

Pediatric Dentistry

Hawaiian Volcanoes

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

Drug Discovery Toxicology


Handbook of Global Education Policy


Das Ende der Nacht

Networking Simulation for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Liquid Polymorphism, Volume 152

ICH Quality Guidelines


Engineered Nanoparticles and the Environment

Feline Anesthesia and Pain Management

Magnetotails in the Solar System

Forensic Science Education and Training

Electrochromic Materials and Devices

Characterization of Polymer Blends

Enterprise Innovation

Fuel Cells

The Handbook of Homicide

Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials, Polymeric Composites

Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials, Functionalization

Handbook of Composites from Renewable Materials, Nanocomposites

Advances in Ceramic Armor X, Volume 35, Issue 4

Mesoporous Zeolites

Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation

Electromagnetic Time Reversal

Peptide Materials
