Группа авторов

Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring

Strategic Asset Allocation in Fixed Income Markets

Modelling Single-name and Multi-name Credit Derivatives

Fibonacci and Gann Applications in Financial Markets

Sarbanes-Oxley and the Board of Directors

Business Process Management and the Balanced Scorecard

Materials and Skills for Historic Building Conservation

Structures and Construction in Historic Building Conservation

Contractual Correspondence for Architects and Project Managers

Managing the Training Function For Bottom Line Results

The WorldatWork Handbook of Compensation, Benefits and Total Rewards

Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C / C++

Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, 3 Volume Set

Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management

Sarbanes-Oxley and the New Internal Auditing Rules

Interpretation and Application of International Standards on Auditing

Controller's Guide to Planning and Controlling Operations

International Applications of U.S. Income Tax Law

Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications

How to Comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404

Building Type Basics for Elementary and Secondary Schools

Финансовый учет в строительстве

Семь дней ТВ-программа №33/2019

Принципы мудрого руководителя

Словарь русских чудес и суеверий

Семь дней ТВ-программа №32/2019

Красивые квартиры №03 / 2019

Чудеса и видения

Энергетика и промышленность России №17 2019

Красавица и чудовище / Beauty and the Beast

Золушка / Cinderella

«Спасская красавица». 14 лет агронома Кузнецова в ГУЛАГе

Derrida Now

Endoscopy in Liver Disease

Visual Guide to Neonatal Cardiology

A Companion to Renaissance Poetry

The Wiley Handbook of Psychometric Testing

Металлоснабжение и сбыт №07-08/2019

Журнал «Костёр» №07/2019

Диабет. Образ жизни. №3/2019 май-июнь