Группа авторов

The History of Mathematics

Affine and Projective Geometry

Practical Methods of Optimization

Principles of Differential Equations

Calculus Workbook For Dummies

Mathematical Models of Fluiddynamics

The Finite Element Method

Continuous Semi-Markov Processes

Fundamentals of Matrix Computations

Graphs Theory and Applications

In Defense of Reading

The Future of Theory

Old Norse-Icelandic Literature

Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory

The State of the Novel

A Companion to Milton

Twentieth-Century American Poetry

Gender, Art and Death

Medieval Women's Writing

Investigative Accounting in Divorce

Forensic Science in Court

Optimality Theory in Phonology

Word Order and Scrambling

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering

An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers

The Statistical Analysis of Time Series

Fourier Analysis of Time Series

Introduction to Statistical Time Series

Bayesian Models for Categorical Data

Computation for the Analysis of Designed Experiments

Structural Equations with Latent Variables

Forecasting with Dynamic Regression Models

Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data

Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments

Maxima and Minima with Applications

A Manager's Guide to the Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials

Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics

Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic Processes

Combinatorial Methods in Discrete Distributions