Группа авторов

Middle English Literature

Building on Knowledge

Latin American Fiction

Empires and Colonies

Native American Storytelling

The English Handbook

Uses of Literature

Globalization and Literature

The Public Intellectual

Adventures in Realism

Licensing Best Practices

Staying with Conflict

The Rhetoric of RHETORIC

Understanding Minimalist Syntax

Pelvic Dysfunction in Men

Topology and Its Applications

Lebesgue Measure and Integration

Fourier Analysis on Groups

Introduction to Real Analysis

Long-Memory Time Series

Introduction to Nonparametric Regression

Methods of Multivariate Analysis

Smoothing of Multivariate Data

Statistics for Spatial Data

Information and Exponential Families

Aspects of Statistical Inference

Probability and Random Processes

Survey Errors and Survey Costs

Statistical Design for Research

Regression With Social Data

Numerical Methods in Finance

Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys

Markov Processes and Applications

Statistical Rules of Thumb

Statistical Modeling by Wavelets

Convergence of Probability Measures

Applied Multiway Data Analysis

Simulation and Monte Carlo

Introduction to Mixed Modelling

Risk and Financial Management