Группа авторов

Margins of Error

Modern Engineering Statistics

Modern Experimental Design

Structural Equation Modeling

Tutorials in Biostatistics, Tutorials in Biostatistics

Learning to Reason

Groups and Characters

Methods of Geometry

Interior Point Algorithms

Physics of Plasmas

Optimal Structural Analysis

Theoretical Fluid Dynamics

Inside Your Calculator

Shakespeare and Music

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shakespeare by Stages

Shakespeare's Comedies

Shakespeare's Tragedies

Shakespeare's Histories

Shakespeare's Theater

Middle English Literature

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Modern Critical Thought

Helen of Troy

Rome Season One

Big Screen Rome

Virgil's Aeneid

Reading Modernist Poetry

The Novel Now

Inside Old English

The Victorian Novel

The English Novel

Modern Irish Theatre

Sixteenth-Century Poetry

The Victorian Novel

English Renaissance Drama

The Modern Novel

Renaissance and Reformations

Old English Literature

Middle English Literature