Группа авторов

The Essential Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment

The Treatment of Sex Offenders with Developmental Disabilities

The Handbook of Knowledge Based Policing

Offenders' Memories of Violent Crimes

A Guide to Teaching Introductory Psychology

The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction Set

Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Child Psychopathology

International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology

Essentials of Conners Behavior Assessments

Behavioral Case Formulation and Intervention

Community Treatment of Eating Disorders

A Clinician's Guide to Think Good-Feel Good

California School of Professional Psychology Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

The Handbook of Training and Practice in Infant and Preschool Mental Health

Working Memory and Academic Learning

The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation

The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life

Understanding your Borderline Personality Disorder

What's Wrong with Us?

What's Wrong With Terrorism?

Law, Ethics, and the War on Terror

Winners and Losers in Globalization

Imperialism and Global Political Economy

Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era

American Power and the Prospects for International Order

Neglected Children and Their Families

Women Who Sexually Abuse Children

The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child

War in an Age of Risk

Forced Migration and Global Politics

War and Power in the Twenty-First Century

International Relations in a Global Age

The New Agenda for International Relations

Women and Politics in Latin America

The Ethics of War and Peace

Development, Security and Unending War

Prime Ministers and the Media

Vladimir Putin and the Evolution of Russian Foreign Policy