Группа авторов

Industrial Microbiology

Game Play

Reinforced Polymer Composites

Chitin and Chitosan

Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 43

The Globalization Reader

Successful Drug Discovery, Volume 4

Youth at Risk

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Wireless Automation as an Enabler for the Next Industrial Revolution

Pharmaceutical Microbiological Quality Assurance and Control

Transient Analysis of Power Systems

Water Science, Policy and Management

Handbook of 3D Integration, Volume 4

A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean

Optical Properties of Materials and Their Applications

The Wiley Handbook on What Works for Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Violence Risk Management

The Handbook of Global Trade Policy

Qualitative Research in Health Care

The Handbook of Informal Language Learning

The Handbook of World Englishes

Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries

Encyclopedia of Financial Models, Volume I

Encyclopedia of Financial Models, Volume II

Encyclopedia of Financial Models, Volume III

Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology

Холодное оружие мира

Семь дней ТВ-программа №52/2019

Горизонты культуры №4 (64) 2019

Образование Подмосковья. Открытый урок №4 (54) 2019

Журнал «Мото» №12/2019

Журнал «Мото» №11/2019

Журнал «Мото» №10/2019

Журнал «Мото» №09/2019

Журнал «Мото» №08/2019

Журнал «Мото» №07/2019

Журнал «Мото» №06/2019

Журнал «Мото» №05/2019

Журнал «Мото» №04/2019