Герберт Уеллс

In the Days of the Comet (Phoenix Classics)

A Dream of Armageddon (Phoenix Classics)

The Time Machine (Cronos Classics)

The First Men in the Moon

Die Riesen kommen!

The Country of the Blind and Other Stories

The First Men in the Moon

The War of the Worlds (Best Navigation, Active TOC)(Prometheus Classics)

Complete Novels

Tales of Space and Time

The Island of Doctor Moreau

The First Men in the Moon: With linked Table of Contents

The Food of the Gods

The Dream

Complete Novels

The Sleeper Awakes

H. G. Wells: Classics Novels and Short Stories (ReadOn Classics)

A Modern Utopia

Die Zeitmaschine

The World Set Free (Phoenix Classics)

The Chronic Argonauts (Phoenix Classics)

The Island of Dr. Moreau

The Invisible Man

A Modern Utopia

The War of the Worlds (Olymp Classics)

Tales Of Space And Time

Complete Novels

The First Men in the Moon (Cronos Classics)

The Time Machine (ArcadianPress)

In the Days of the Comet

The War of the Worlds

In the Days of the Comet

Die Zeitmaschine

The First Men in the Moon

The Invisible Man

The Soul of a Bishop

Ann Veronica

Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond

The Sleeper Awakes

The Sleeper Awakes